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Ok, so when I went to the Secretary of State to get my Drivers 1 Permit (After I completed segment 1) I filled out the form, and my friend wanted to see the form, and as a joke she put brown eyes instead of hazel. And so I didn't realize that until I went to go and fill out the form for my drivers license. Ok, so when I went to the Secretary of State to get my Drivers 1 Permit (After I completed segment 1) I filled out the form, and my friend wanted to see the form, and as a joke she put brown eyes instead of hazel. And so I didn't realize that until I went to go and fill out the form for my drivers license. Because I am now 16 years old. My eyes change color, from blue to green, and to hazel. And so I thought, it would be okay I'll just write hazel down for my drivers license form.